Employee Spotlight: Jordan Slinkard

Favorite Game: Escape from Tarkov
Served: In U.S. Army as a 12B – Combat Engineeer
Loves: His daughter Aleah & girlfriend Candace
Proud: That Aleah made the honor roll
Graduated: Farmington High School
Current Hobby: VR Gaming
Excited: To grow with Aptitude
Jordan Slinkard joined the Aptitude Internet Solu- tions team in September 2021 after several years of
being a very satisfied internet subscriber.
Slinkard, a Farmington native, briefly ventured away from his beloved hometown to serve in the U.S.
Army when he was 21 years old. He enlisted for 6 years and served honorably as a Combat Engineer,
having received numerous awards and honors.
He has expertly translated the proficiencies, values and qualifications practiced throughout his military
career to his current position as an Install and Repair Technician.
As a dedicated professional, he regularly strives to expand his knowledge base by using every experience to add unique solutions to his toolkit.
He even dedicates a portion of his personal time to better understanding the technology and equipment he employs on a daily basis. He is sometimes called upon to exercise that expertise at irregular hours when emergency repairs are required.
When he’s not dispatched to late-night calls or otherwise busy at home elevating his occupational aptitudes, he’s likely spending quality time with his girlfriend Candace and his 8-year-old daughter, Aleah.
He was elated to report that Aleah is a very good student, having just made the honor roll. They love
spending time together in the great outdoors by taking their dog Rollie for a stroll in the park. You’re also likely to find them anywhere there’s water since his daughter loves to go swimming.
Like any good family, they also enjoy the even great- er indoors. Candace can even work from home thanks to their high-speed internet connection from Aptitude. Slinkard has passed on his passion
for gaming and frequently joins Aleah in the virtual world with their Valve Index VR headset. His favorite game at the moment is Escape from Tarkov.
Slinkard is excited to be a member of the Aptitude team as it continues to grow and expand. He looks
forward to the success of the company and sees himself dedicated to making the internet a better place until the day he retires in the distant future.
Slinkard is an outstanding member of the Aptitude Internet family and we are all proud to have him on our team.