Aptitude now offers convenient, smart-home video security with our Protector and Guardian plans that allows our subscribers to monitor their premises 24/7. While many appreciate the peace of mind afforded by round-the-clock, cloud based video monitoring – others have found more unique uses for their Arlo system.
A quick search for Arlo doorbell video camera through any of the popular video hosting platforms will turn up a plethora of user submitted clips. Video doorbells aren’t just for motion activated package detection, or monitoring of guests when you’re away from home. Some users use their video doorbells as a kind of video voicemail – ringing the doorbell
and leaving a clip for the friends and families to view later. One social media influencer has used the video doorbell for her content, starting each video by pressing the button and saying “hello mother!”
Another user has taken advantage of their video doorbell to keep an eye on the wildlife, from snoopy visits by the neighborhood cat, to the frolicking and prancing of deer unaware their rosebush munching antics are being caught on camera.
Learn more about Arlo at aptitudeinternet.com/homesecurity or give us a call at 573-755-0555.