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Employee Spotlight: Casey Reeves – Creative Director

Employee Spotlight: Casey Reeves

Creative Director


Loves: Hobbits, Hiking, Horticulture
Now Listening: Wilco Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
Favorite Shows: House of the Dragon, Rings of Power
Harvesting: Hot, hot peppers
Now Playing: At a venue near you

Casey Reeves joined the Aptitude Internet Solutions team in May 2014 as the company’s second official hire. His duties initially were somewhat general as twenty-five percent of the company’s workforce, but over time began to be more focused on his congenial and creative strengths. Tasked with creating his own job title, Reeves became Creative Director, responsible for a contingent of tasks associated with marketing, branding, public relations, sales and everything else related to promoting the positive image and overall success of the company.

Image: Casey playing guitar and singing into a microphone

A Farmington native, Reeves stayed close to his roots when he studied for and earned a BFA from the University of Missouri-Columbia and subsequently earned his teacher certification in 2012. All the while, Reeves practiced his life-long passion for music and graduated from busking street corners with a dusty guitar case to playing in several bands in venues across Missouri. 

While he often jokes about his performances as “mediocre music” his accomplishments in creative pursuits are anything but unremarkable. 

For a time, he managed to earn a living through his musical performances by maintaining an exhausting schedule of shows subsidized only by occasional substitute teaching – a fiscal feat that separates true working artists from amateur acoustacists.

Despite his many euphonious accomplishments, the best song he ever wrote was a girl named Dorothy – his daughter and as proudly says, “the light of his life.”   He gladly squeezes a few more minutes out of his busy days to accompany her to gymnastics competitions. He has also encouraged her to take part in his family’s musical tradition, training her on the classiest musical instrument – the piano. 

When they’re not doing back flips or practicing arpeggios, you might find them enjoying the great outdoors, plucking spicy fruits from vines in the garden, swimming in the nearest river or hiking out to a good camping spot over the mountains or through the woods.

Image: Casey & his daughter Dorothy pose for a photo

Reeves reports being part of a shrinking minority of people that still enjoy reading physical books, being particular to the genre of fantasy. He credits his love for reading fantasy to Bilbo of “The Hobbit” for helping him to overcome difficulty focusing earlier in life. He also mentioned being a fan of musician biographies, citing a fancy for the happenings around Laurel Canyon in the 60s & 70s folk rock music scene.

Like a rolling stone himself, Reeves has left the company twice to pursue other opportunities but has always found his way back to the passions that drive him at Aptitude. He loves the company mission of being community focused and revels in being the architect of the many community events and charitable causes the company participates in each year. 

He is particularly proud of the Halloween haunted house hosted at the Farmington office, making each year more engaging than the last.

Image: Casey Reeves - Creative Director employee photo

If you’d like to see more of Casey Reeves, all you have to do is stop by one of our many events throughout the year. Follow our Facebook page at Aptitude Internet Solutions where he will keep you posted on all the happenings. Or, if you’d just like to hear his voice, you can give us a call at 573-755-0555 and listen closely as he narrates the options on our phone tree.

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